Certification Process

The AiE™ Certification Journey

There are six distinct stages of your AiE™ certification journey. Here’s a quick look of what these stages look like. You may Contact Us for more information.

The AiE™ Credential Suite

The AiE™ Credential Suite

Cased inside a folder-box, your personalized AiE™ credential-certificate is accompanied by an elegant AiE™ designation lapel pin along with an ARTiBA Code of Ethics booklet.

The AiE™ digital badge maximizes your profile visibility through social sharing and makes it individually verifiable by a prospective employer or client digitally, using CredBadge’s™ secure badging technology.

The Digitally Badged AiE™

AiE™ is digitally badged by CredBadge, using its secure, proprietary badging technology.

A digitally badged AiE™ creates a more credible online professional presence and adds distinction to your profile, being individually verifiable by a prospective employer or client.

Claim Your Digital Badge
The Digitally Badged AiE™

Register and log in to get started

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